Governor Abbott Announces Border Security Funding

Governor Greg Abbott says Texas will provide one-billion-dollars towards border security.  The governor announced this week the money will go to the Texas National Guard and the Department of Public Safety.  The money is earmarked to help fund those agencies’ supportive role to the federal Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agencies’ […]

Trump Again Expresses Regrets About Sessions 

President Trump is going after his attorney general again.  In a tweet today, Trump repeated regrets about Jeff Sessions.

Roseanne Says She’s Not A Racist

Roseanne Barr says she’s not a racist.  The TV star got her hit show cancelled yesterday after a tweet that compared a former Obama advisor to an ape.

Trump Lawyer Takes Credit For Problem Tweet 

(Washington, DC)  —  President Trump’s lawyer says he drafted the tweet that Trump sent yesterday.