San Diego Hep-A Outbreak Claims 18th Life 

(San Diego, CA)  —  Another death is recorded now in San Diego’s hepatitis outbreak. 

Children Left Behind: American Kids of Deported Parents

TIJUANA, MEXICO – In 2011, some 1500 children in southern California were removed from detained or deported parents, and placed in state care. That’s according to an investigation by the Applied Research Center, a think-tank specializing in race issues. They projected that between 2012 and 2014, 15,000 more kids could face a similar fate.

Trial of Alleged Mexican Drug Leaders Begins

SAN DIEGO – Opening statements began today in the trial of two alleged Mexican drug gang leaders accused of multiple murders in San Diego.

Arrested Mexican Union Boss’s San Diego Ties

SAN DIEGO – The head of Mexico’s most powerful teacher’s union was arrested near Mexico City Tuesday, accused of embezzling millions in union funds to pay for, among other things, a home in San Diego.