Immigration Reform Business/Labor Compromise

PHOENIX – As the push for comprehensive immigration reform continues in Congress with public hearings, behind the scenes, different interest groups are holding their own negotiations. Business and labor have emerged from talks, and now agree any bill should address the need for better data to guide future visas for immigrant workers.

San Antonio Mayor Talks with Mexican President

SAN ANTONIO – Looking to increase cross-border trade ties, San Antonio Mayor Juan Castro met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto Thursday. Castro also was able to update the president on U.S. immigration reform.

Undocumented Texan a Guest at State of the Union

DALLAS – When the President stands before Congress tonight for his State of the Union Address, an undocumented immigrant from Texas will be sitting in the audience.

Bush Champions Immigration Reform For Better Economy

DALLAS – Former President George W. Bush says one of the best ways to stimulate the economy is through comprehensive immigration reform. He made a rare appearance Tuesday at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.