After Outcry, Disney Withdraws Effort To Trademark ‘Dia De Los Muertos’

After Outcry, Disney Withdraws Effort To Trademark ‘Dia De Los Muertos’

Immigration Bill Could Affect High-Skill Visas

SAN DIEGO – Lawmakers and CEOs want more high-skilled immigrants. Tech companies have been lobbying hard to get more visas for these workers, and Washington has been listening. But what do the high-skilled immigrants want? They all have very different ideas about how to fix the system.

Children Left Behind: American Kids of Deported Parents

TIJUANA, MEXICO – In 2011, some 1500 children in southern California were removed from detained or deported parents, and placed in state care. That’s according to an investigation by the Applied Research Center, a think-tank specializing in race issues. They projected that between 2012 and 2014, 15,000 more kids could face a similar fate.

Trial of Alleged Mexican Drug Leaders Begins

SAN DIEGO – Opening statements began today in the trial of two alleged Mexican drug gang leaders accused of multiple murders in San Diego.

Gunwalking Report shows DHS Knew

TUCSON – A final report on the gunwalking scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious shows that a Homeland Security agent in Arizona participated in the operation and tried to warn his superiors in Phoenix but those officials never read the reports.