Album Review: “Four Songs” by Blood Orange

Blood Orange is an artist that goes by the name of Dev Hynes, and he stands out for his work with tone and overall consistent sound. After a 3-year gap, Blood Orange is back with a 4 song EP aptly titled: “Four Songs.” Dev Hynes keeps his sounds alive in his new EP, keeping Blood Orange fans coming for that familiar soul-like vibe that he produces. Each song flows well into one another and has a crossfade-like effect between each, so you never know when a new song starts, or an old song ends.

This EP starts off with heavy distortion which soon kicks off the first upbeat track: Jesus Freak Lighter. Fans may be a little more familiar with this song as it was released 8 days before the actual EP came out. This song keeps the fastest tempo of the whole EP and gives the listener that dance-y vibe they didn’t know they needed.

This song fades effortlessly into Something You Know, which not only has a slower tempo than the last song but also has that chill vibe that Blood Orange holds so well. This song has more of an abrupt ending when leading into Wish, but when listening to the album fully, I expected to just be a tonal change inside of Something You Know. It was nice surprise to see that Wish was its own song, and not just the breakdown of a different one.

Wish leads us into our last song: Relax and Run. This song almost has a very R&B feel with the way the music and lyrics flow together, making for an excellent way to end off the album because of its symmetry.

In modern day indie, we see bands taking risks by changing up their sound every album and attempting to add their own twist that will make them stand out from other bands. However, “Four Songs” did not deviate from Blood Orange’s original style, adding a refreshing and familiar feeling to the entire EP.

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