San Diego Hep-A Outbreak Claims 18th Life 

(San Diego, CA)  —  Another death is recorded now in San Diego’s hepatitis outbreak.  The county health department reports today that the illness has now claimed 18 lives among 490 cases.

The outbreak has been traced to last November, with just under two-thirds of the victims being homeless or drug users.The county and city have stepped-up immunizations, sanitized streets and sidewalks, and placed portable hand-washing stations in areas where the homeless gather.

The San Francisco Chronicle stated that,  “Terrified by reports of hepatitis A outbreaks in San Diego, Los Angeles and Santa Cruz, San Francisco health officials are rushing to vaccinate the homeless people and drug users on the city’s streets.

Those people are most at risk for contracting the virus, which spreads when people ingest or touch material contaminated with the feces of an infected person. Hepatitis A causes liver inflammation and can lead to death.”

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