Second congressional hearing on ICE detainee releases

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement LogoBy Jude Joffe-Block, KJZZ News for Fronteras

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PHOENIX – The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement returned to Congress Tuesday to answer another round of questions about a controversial release of immigrant detainees.  The testimony revealed more details about who those people were.

ICE Director John Morton’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee came just days after he told Congress his agency had released more than 2,000 immigrants last month due to pending budget cuts.  Republicans again chastised Morton for discharging immigrants with criminal records, including four so-called “Level-one” offenders, who have the most serious criminal histories.  But in Tuesday’s hearing, Morton gave more details about a Level One detainee set free in Arizona who had previous drug and theft convictions.

JOHN MORTON:  “At first glance you might say, OK what is ICE doing.  Um, that individual is 68 years old, they are a lawful permanent resident, and have been a lawful permanent resident for 44 years.  And an immigration judge made a determination that that person is not a danger to the community.”

On the other hand, other representatives questioned Morton why some non-criminal, non-violent immigrants were held in detention to begin with.  Alabama Republican, Spencer Bachus.

SPENCER BACHUS:  “I’m just saying, it looks to me like maybe there is an overuse of detention by this administration…”

Morton said the vast majority of immigrants in deportation proceedings are released on bond or alternatives to detention, and are not held in federal custody.

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