SGA Meeting 11-29-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 11-29-2012 Duration: 1:06:26  

SGA Meeting 11-15-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 11-15-2012 Duration: 0:16:39  

SGA Meeting 11-8-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 11-8-2012 Duration: 1:48:00  

UPDATE: SGA enforces attendance policy for senators

UPDATE as of Dec. 6, 2012: The 28 Senators on the indicated list below had office hour absences completely excused by the committee, removing them from the threat of impeachment.  The grounds for excusing the senators on the list was based on two things: a different method for logging graduate student office hours and the […]

Is Your Student Senator Working For You? Odds Are, No.

The Student Senate met last night for the second time in October, and the Rules and Administration Committee confronted what R&A chairwoman Erika Allen calls “a very serious problem for SGA” — the Student Senators’ lack of duty and responsibility to their constituents in the form of SGA participation. How? By filing articles of impeachment against […]

SGA Rules Committee Threatens to Impeach 58% of Senate

The Texas Tech Student Senate met Thursday night for their bimonthly meeting. Along with the Senate’s usual reports from committees and academic colleges — and lack thereof — the Senate was faced with a dire revelation from its Rules and Administration Committee. More after the jump.

SGA Meeting 10-25-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 10-25-2012 Duration: 0:56:38  

SGA Meeting 10-4-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 10-4-2012 Duration: 1:20:10  

SGA Meeting 9-27-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 9-27-2012 Duration: 3:36:56  

SGA Meeting 2-2-2012

Texas Tech University Student Government Association Meeting Broadcast on KTXT-FM: 2-2-2012 Duration: 0:33:44