Album Review: “Fast Idol” By Black Marble

Fast Idol is the newest studio album from indie coldwave band Black Marble. Primarily the work of one man, frontman and electronic musician Chris Stewart, Black Marble is characterized by their reverby gothic sounding sound layered with Stewart’s own moody baritone voice. This new album, Fast Idol, is no different, and fits in perfectly with the rest of their oeuvre. 

Clocking in at just under an hour, this album is on the longer side, but that space is very necessary. Black Marble songs require plenty of room to breathe in order to give their atmospheric tones plenty of space. The opening track “Somewhere”, for instance, is a dramatic six minute song that utilizes long riffs and reverb to make what could otherwise be a somewhat typical indie pop song feel operatic. It’s the perfect track to encapsulate everything that this album, and Black Marble as a whole are all about. Another stand-out song is “Ceiling” which layers Stewart’s own voice against itself to great effect. The closing track, “Brighter and
Bigger” has a terrific keyboard backing that is brilliant in its simplicity.

If you, like me, are a big fan of Black Marble’s first album “A Different Arrangement,” this is definitely an album to check out. Stewart’s work sounds just as good as it always has. Additionally, if you haven’t heard their stuff before, this is definitely worth your time. Nothing else sounds quite like it, so it’s definitely worth expanding your horizons a little bit.

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