Levelland Veteran Honored with Flag from Rep. Arrington

On Tuesday afternoon an American hero was recognized by Congressman Jodey Arrington for his leadership and sacrifice during World War II.

Levelland veteran Jimmy Price, a retired Army Sergeant, will soon turn 99. To honor him Arrington presented Price with an American flag recently flown over the U.S. Capitol building, a certificate, a firm handshake, and an even stronger thank you message.

“He’s a hero who was served with distinction and with honor and helped preserve this great experiment in liberty and democracy that we enjoy today,” Arrington said outside of Price’s home where the small gathering took place.

“I think this flag means as much to you as anything in the world,” Arrington told Price as he sat next to him.

“He set a good example to our family… to our kids… to our grand kids because he works hard. He always has his whole life. He can outwork any of us… even in his 80s and 90s, he could outdo us out in the field or in anything,” said Glenda Gibson, one of Price’s six kids, and one of Price’s four kids at the ceremony today.

Gibson says Price has always been a man of few words, especially when it comes to talking about his military career, but he always knew he had a duty to fulfill.

“It sure is nice to have some of these old-timers left…even if they don’t say much, just to look at them and shake their hand, because it’s not what they say, that matters… it’s what they did that matters,” said Arrington.

Arrington added that the country could benefit from more people like Price and veterans. “Their patriotism… their love for family and community… their commitment to service was unparalleled in the history of this country. We need that. Those are the values… that’s the characters of this country and the traditional values of this country that we so desperately need.”

Price will turn 99 next month.

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