Holli’s Bill Making Progress in Texas Legislature

Holli Jeffcoat was 18 (Source: Facebook)
Holli Jeffcoat was 18 (Source: Facebook) 

A Senate bill inspired by Holli Jeffcoat is making progress in the legislative process.

Holli was murdered in 2016 after being sexually assaulted for years. It is in her honor that Stets Bryant, Jeffcoat’s cousin, wrote Holli’s Bill.

Senate Bill 194 is related to the offense of indecent assault, to judicial protection for victims of that offense, and to certain criminal acts committed in relation to that offense.

In other words, it aims to harshen penalties on those convicted of sexual assault and prevent future cases from happening.

Bryant said watching the bill move through the legislative process is one of the most “awesome” things he has ever experienced.

“I never once considered how far it could go, much less to the point where it is extremely likely it could be signed into law,” Bryant said.

With all senators present, the bill received a unanimous vote of 7-to-0 in the Criminal Justice Committee.

The bill moved onto the Senate Chamber where it was voted to suspend the three-day rule, and then passed with another unanimous vote.

It will now proceed to the House Committee.

“It means that people care about restoring voices to those who have been taken away,” Bryant said.

Bryant said this bipartisan bill shows that people can come together for a greater cause.

He said it is important to speak out, reach out, and never stop until your fight is accomplished.

“The fact that people are starting to listen, knowing that I was able to have a part of that, knowing that my late cousin was able to have a part of that. The reason that this bill is in the senate and in the legislature today, it makes me speechless,” Bryant said.

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