About 100 Animals Rescued from Cramped, Dirty FL Boarding Facility

SOURCE: https://www.allaboutpetsveterinarian.com/boarding

Dozens of dogs, cats, and other animals were found in filthy, cramped conditions at a boarding facility.

Panhandle Animal Welfare Society Director Dee Thompson said about 100 animals – about 80 of them dogs – were brought to the agency from Danny’s Doghouse in Niceville on Friday.

The animals included puppies, cats, squirrels and a possum. Many of the pets were underweight and suffering medical conditions.

“It was an impossible situation for one person, and unfortunately the building was in decay and it showed,” PAWS Director Dee Thompson said..

Thompson said once inside, they found the animals in a dark room squished together in cramped quarters.

“It was very dark back there, even at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, because the runs were all enclosed, the doors were down and there was no windows back there whatsoever,” she said.

The room was filled with cobwebs and spiders, and the dogs were lying in urine and feces, she said.

“Most of them are underweight. We’ve got one dog that has a very large tumor on its side. We’ve got another dog that is urinating blood,” Thompson said.

On Saturday morning, volunteers helped wash and vaccinate the dogs.

“Their ribs are showing. Their pelvic bones are showing. They’re starving.” said Natalie Tucker, a PAWS volunteer. “My heart breaks for the little pups because they don’t deserve it.”

All of the dogs were found alive, though Thompson said many were matted and had skin or eye conditions.

Calls to Danny’s Doghouse were not returned.

“I will confer with his attorney again on Monday to ask him if he wants to owner surrender. In the meantime, we are already putting a case together to go against a judge for ownership of the animals,” Thompson

The search warrant for the Niceville facility came amid citizen complains and after more than 20 pets were found dead at a Crestview home linked to Danny’s Doghouse, the Northwest Florida Daily News reported. 

Thompson said they are scheduled to go to court on April 1 for two live cats found in the Crestview home.

She said a court date for the animals at Danny’s Doghouse has not been scheduled yet.

Thompson says the animals will be treated for health problems before they are put up for adoption.

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