Trump Teases Reporters About “Calm Before Storm”

 (Washington, DC) — President Trump is fueling speculation about his “calm before the storm” remark.

When asked about the comment at a White House photo-op today, Trump winked and said, “You’ll find out.”

He made the “calm before the storm” remark in an event with military officials last evening. Later, at a White House briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she’s not aware of anything specific that was in the remark. She batted away numerous efforts by reporters to link the comment to North Korea or Iran.


Politicians in Washington are again scrambling over how to interpret the statement as the President continues to make statements that leave world leaders wondering what exactly Mr. Trump is insinuating.

When NBC news reached out to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her thoughts on the remarks she refused to comment on what she believed the President meant.

“As we’ve said many times before…we’re never going to say in advance what the president is going to do,” she said during a press briefing Friday. “You’ll have to wait and see.” “You can take the president protecting the American people very seriously,” Sanders added. “And if he feels that action is necessary, he’ll take it.”

Ms. Huckabee declined to say further to NBC on the subject.


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