Pelosi Re-Elected as House Democratic Leader

Texas Capital


(Washington, DC)  —  Democrats are giving Nancy Pelosi another two-year run as House Minority Leader.

The veteran California lawmaker turned back a challenge from Ohio’s Tim Ryan.

It was the first serious challenge that Pelosi has faced as leader of the House Democrats.

Some Democrats called for new leadership after failing to regain control of the House in the recent elections.

(Washington, DC)  —  Texas Congressional Democrats are split on whether Nancy Pelosi should continue as minority leader in the House.

A secret leadership vote is set for today, and El Paso Congressman Beto O’Rourke tells “The Texas Tribune” that he’s voting for Pelosi rival, Tim Ryan of Ohio.

But Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston and Filemon Vela of Brownsville say they are backing the current leader.

The Tribune reports that as many as 70 Congressional Democrats could back Pelosi’s leadership rival.

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