TX Delegates React To Sanders’ Speech

Bernie SandersBy Ryan Poppe, Texas Public Radio News for Audio Texas

PHILADELPHIA – The divide between Texans at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia seemed obvious last night as Bernie Sanders took the stage in an attempt to unify delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Before Bernie Sanders took the stage, some of his Texas supporters were booing, and Clinton supporters from Texas were telling them to sit down. But the Vermont senator used his appearance to tell supporters he had campaigned for more than the presidential nomination.

“Election days come and go but the struggle of the people to create a government which represents all of us and not just the one percent, that struggle continues”

Texas delegate Gabriel Silva, a longtime Bernie supporter from Houston , says she now will back Clinton in November.

“He basically used, word for word, his own stump speech, but then added Hillary’s name before everyone of the proposals. So I can see what he’s doing is not, I don’t think he is saying she is going to exactly do that, I think he’s saying she better do that”

For Bexar County delegate Kate Summers, a Sanders supporter, it was a rough night. She cried throughout Sanders speech, especially when the Vermont senators touched issues like voter fraud and changing the electoral process in America.

“There is so much voter fraud and it hurts my feelings”

Though there was an emotional outpouring for Sanders, he did not win the majority of Texas delegates, and tonight Texas will cast a a majority of its votes for Hillary Clinton, helping to make her the Democratic Party’s nominee.

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