Texas Democrats Focus On Clinton At DNC

2016 DNC Logo(Philadelphia, PA) — The announced resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz may help ease the blowback from Bernie Sanders supporters in the Texas delegation as the Democratic National Convention gets underway today.

Thousands of leaked emails show DNC staffers favoring Hillary Clinton over Sanders throughout the primaries. Clinton won big in the March 1st Texas primary, but Sanders was a popular choice among young Texans.

Ed Espinosa with Progress Texas tells the “The Texas Tribune” that any resulting discord among Democratic delegates would be minor compared to the disunity shown last week by Republicans in Cleveland.

The Texas Democratic delegation is in Philadelphia today for the start of the Democratic National Convention, and two prominent members will be speaking to a national audience.

Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and San Antonio Congressman Joaquin Castro are on the list of prominent Democrats who will take the podium this week.

Castro’s twin brother, Julian, will not address delegates. The HUD secretary and other cabinet members have been instructed by the Obama Administration to stay focused on their jobs instead.

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