DNC To Nominate Hillary Clinton Tonight

2016 DNC LogoBy Ryan Poppe, Texas Public Radio News for Audio Texas

PHILADELPHIA – The tension between Sanders and Clinton delegates from Texas spilled over into this second day of the Democratic National Convention. The shouting grew angry as Texans talked about how Sanders delegates should cast their ballots tonight when the Party nominates Hillary Clinton.

Tomorrow morning the Texas delegate is also expected to hear from two San Antonians: Housing Secretary Julian Castro and his twin brother Congressman Joaquin Castro. Both have been mentioned as possible candidates to be the next National Democratic Party chair.

“Bernie!, Hillary!, Bernie!, Hillary!……..Guys, guys, You folks need to grow up, you need to grow up”

At Tuesday’s morning breakfast meeting Texas delegates continued their bickering over the reluctance of some Sanders supporters to fall in line behind Hillary Clinton. Jack Weiss is a Clinton delegate from North Texas.

“They can express themselves, that they are disappointed, that they are unhappy with their policies, but they don’t need to be trashing the presumptive candidate”

Weiss was upset with what he called the open condemnation of Clinton by some Bernie backers. Jacob Limon, head of the Sanders campaign in Texas said Sanders delegates simply want to cast their votes for Sanders tonight when the Party official chooses its nominee. Some have suggested all of the Texans, including Sanders delegates, vote for Clinton on the first ballot to show unity. Limon said that’s not going to happen. Gary Mauro, Clinton’s Texas campaign chair agreed saying that’s not too much to ask.

“Some of the other people would say, ‘Well we won the election’, but winning the election doesn’t mean the other side doesn’t get to vote. And I was in the same position in ’08. I think Barack Obama has been a great president, but I voted for Hillary Clinton when I went to the ’08 convention”

Texans are bracing for more tension when the roll call nomination begins shortly after 4pm. Tomorrow’s Texas breakfast is expected to be just as lively. Sanders will be there to break bread and speak.

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