Defense will rest in intoxication manslaughter case

StoryBy: Ralph Barrera, KTXT News

Jason White pleaded guilty during Tuesday’s trial for being intoxicated and getting behind the wheel of his pick-up truck and killing Meagan Rough.  Meagan Rough was 19 years of age when she was struck and killed by White’s pick-up on Glenna Goodacre Boulevard in December 2012.

Data taken from Whites truck showed for just under a second he was traveling 102 mph and averaging 107 mph.  Event Data Recorders started back in 1994 and were place in most make and models.

The device helps record events leading up to impacts or dangerous crashes. According to MyFoxLubbock, Mark White, Jason White’s father testified and gave a statement telling the court he failed his son as a parent and that his son deserves jail time.

The defense is said to rest Thursday for intoxication manslaughter.

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