County Judge stands for 2,000 Immigrant children

Clay_JenkinsBy: Bill Zeeble, KERA NEWS

DALLAS–Dallas County Commissioners meet Tuesday morning as controversy builds over County Judge Clay Jenkins announcement more than a week ago that the county would help the federal government set up centers for 2,000 immigrant children.  KERA’s Bill Zeeble reports lone Republican County Commissioner, Mike Cantrell, doesn’t think Jenkins’ idea is a good one.

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Even though July 4th’s  over, Dallas County Commissioner Mike Cantrell expects more fireworks at Tuesday’s Commissioner’s Court.
Mike Cantrell:  “The judge is unilaterally trying to make a federal problem into a Dallas County problem,”  Cantrell said, “without any citizens having any input into the matter whatsoever.   There has been no vote and no discussion in the Commissioner’s Court and it hasn’t been on any agenda.”
Cantrell says within a few days of Jenkins’ announcement, the judge started raising re-election money on the backs of children, even though Cantrell says they don’t need help.

Mike Cantrell:  “All of their needs are being met,” Cantrell argued, “food, clothing shelter, physical, mental health care, phones, all needs are being provided to them.”
Last week, Jenkins told KERA that’s not what he saw, after his trip to McAllen.

Clay Jenkins:  “These children are being kept in holding cells,” Jenkins observed, “like in the drunk tank at your county jail, in cells that are designed for one fourth the number of children that are in the cells.   There’s no activity, no play area, the children are taking every inch of the cells, with their legs bunched up sitting on the floor, some crying, some zoned out.”
Jenkins says his move isn’t political, but American at its core.

Clay Jenkins:  “That’s what the Statue of Liberty is about. We don’t turn our backs on children.”
Cantrell says he wouldn’t do that either, but doesn’t want those here illegally to think they can stay.  Treat the children humanely, he says,  but send them home as soon as possible.   Don’t find their family members or put them in foster care.

Mike Cantrell:  “We have a legal process,” Cantrell says, “to emigrate into the United States.  This isn’t it. Follow the law.  That’s what I’m asking them to do. Follow the law.   At some point in time you’ve got to cut it off and let them know they’re better off staying at home with their families in chose countries.  We can’t support everybody.  That’s the frustration that’s out there right now.”
The frustration’s expected to show itself tomorrow morning when Dallas County Commissioners meet.   While Judge Jenkins has said we can’t ignore the children, he also said Commissioners need to hear from the community about his plan.

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