NCAA Gives Penn State Football 5 Scholarships

penn state

Metro News

State College, PA (Sports Network) – The NCAA announced on Tuesday that it has
agreed to start restoring scholarships to the Penn State football program that
were  lost  as  punishment  following the  Jerry  Sandusky  child  molestation

Beginning  next  academic year (2014-15), five additional initial scholarships
will  be restored  to Penn State’s football team with the amount continuing to
increase  until they reach the full allocation of 25 initial in 2015-16 and 85
total football scholarships in 2016-17.

“The   goal  has  always  been  to  ensure  the  university  reinforces  clear
expectations  and  a daily mindset  within athletics that the highest priority
must be placed on educating, nurturing and protecting young people,” said NCAA
President  Mark Emmert.  “The Executive  Committee’s decision  to restore  the
football  scholarships  provides additional  education opportunities and is an
important recognition of Penn State’s progress.”

This  action is  based on  the recommendation  of former  U.S. Senator  George
Mitchell,  the independent Athletics Integrity Monitor for Penn State, and was
endorsed  by the Division I Board of Directors. Because the Big Ten signed the
Athletics Integrity Agreement, the Executive Committee sought the conference’s

“While  there is more work to be done, Penn State has clearly demonstrated its
commitment  to  restoring integrity in  its athletics program,” said Mitchell.
“The  university has substantially completed the initial implementation of all
the  Freeh  Report  recommendations  and  its  obligations  to  the  Athletics
Integrity  Agreement,  so relief from  the scholarship reductions is warranted
and deserved.”

Penn  State is  also serving  a  five-year postseason  ban and  was fined  $60
million  by  the NCAA  for the  administration’s alleged  part in the Sandusky
scandal.  While  the Executive  Committee can decide  to reduce the postseason
ban,  the $60  million fine will create  an endowment to help fund child abuse
prevention  programs and  assist victims of child abuse and likely will not be

The  Executive Committee expressed its appreciation of Mitchell’s oversight of
the process.

“We  would  like to  thank Senator  Mitchell for  his meticulous oversight and
guidance  throughout this process,” said LouAnna Simon, chair of the Executive
Committee and president of Michigan State University. “His dedication, as well
as  Penn  State’s commitment to  improvement, has  paved the way for continued
improvement for the university.”

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