DATE: April 4, 2013
CONTACT: Cory Chandler,
(806) 742-3990, ext. 249
Texas Tech Law Hosts National Panel on Juvenile Law
WHAT: 7th Annual Criminal Law Symposium, Juveniles and the Criminal Law
WHEN: 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Friday (April 5)
WHERE: Texas Tech University School of Law (1802 Hartford Ave.)
EVENT: Seventeen scholars from across the U.S. will participate in panel discussions.
Franklin Zimring from the University of California, Berkeley, author of seven books on the subject, will provide opening keynote remarks beginning at 9:15 a.m.
Panelists include professors from Vanderbilt Law School, the University of North Carolina, the University of Chicago, Michigan State, Stetson University and Tulane University.
Texas Tech Law professor Arnold Loewy, the George R. Killam Jr. Chair of Criminal Law, will provide the keynote address during the Lexis Nexis Luncheon that begins at noon.
Lunch is available for $20, but those not wishing to purchase it can hear Loewy via video in the Allison Courtroom.
For a complete schedule, visit
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