San Antonio Mayor Talks with Mexican President

Julian CastroBy David Martin Davies, Texas Public Radio News for Fronteras

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SAN ANTONIO – Looking to increase cross-border trade ties, San Antonio Mayor Juan Castro met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto Thursday.  Castro also was able to update the president on U.S. immigration reform.

Pena Nieto’s presidential term is only several months old and Castro said he’s looking for ways to improve the flow of trade between the two neighbor nations.

“They are focusing on partnerships that can make both countries economically competitive in the global economy”

And Castro said Pena Nieto showed an interest in the development and passage of comprehensive immigration reform north of the Rio Grande.

“Of course we touched on the issue of immigration reform that’s happening in the Unites States right now.  And I relayed my experience of testifying a couple of weeks ago to Congress on the issue.”

As Mexico’s economy improves, illegal immigration has declined to a 20 year low.  But Castro said there are many Mexican families still caught in the middle of America’s broken immigration system.  And Pena Nieto would like to see a permanent solution for the problem.

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