Weather for Tuesday 1/1/13

Good afternoon,

Following the passage of a strong cold on Monday evening, a cold air mass has settled across the South Plains. Tuesday’s high will only make into the upper 30’s by mid-afternoon, under mostly clear skies. Northerly winds between 10 and 15 mph can be expected, possibly gusting up to 20 mph as cold air continues to filter into the area.

Tuesday night will be very cold. Clear skies and diminishing winds will allow for good radiational cooling. By Wednesday morning, Lubbock will likely be sitting in mid teens!

Below is an image showing the processes of radiational cooling. A night with clear and calm conditions allows for more of the warm air at the surface to radiate back out to space a night. This is because calm conditions do not promote mixing of the atmosphere. here are also few clouds present, meaning that there will not be a ‘blanket’ holding warm air in he lower levels of he atmosphere. Therefore more warm air is allowed to escape from the surface.Image Credit: WDTN Weather Blog

Wreck ‘Em

Cutter Martin (KTXT Weather)

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