The budget application for Fiscal Year 2014 of the Student Government Association Funding now online. The deadline for submission for the application and funding contract is January 25, 2013 at 5:00 pm. These applications allow qualified organizations to apply for funding granted by the Budget & Finance committee within the SGA Senate. Applicants’ will be interviewed and reviewed by the committee for funding allocation. Visit the SGA page on the funding process for a step-by step process for applying.
To qualify applicants must meet the following criteria as defined by the SGA Funding General Guidelines:
A. The organization must be officially registered with the Center for Campus Life. Any unregistered organization or any organization not in good standing with the Center for Campus Life may not submit any reimbursement, payment or travel requests.
B. All required forms are included in the Appendix of the Funding Regulations Handbook and may also be found in the SGA Office and at the SGA website:
C. Organizations NOT eligible for funding include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Any organization not registered with the Center for Campus Life
2. Any organization that can be funded by other Student Affairs Departments (i.e. Rec Center, Student Media, etc)
i. Club Sports/Teams
ii. Intramural Sports
3. Organizations that significantly restrict membership
i. Defined as an organization that uses criteria that are beyond the students’ control to gain membership in the organization
ii. Organizations that restrict membership based on anything other than GPA, college, and classification cannot be funded (i.e. race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, national origin, or Vietnam era or special disabled veteran status).
4. Publications (newspapers, magazines e.g.)
5. Organizations who receive funding directly from Student Service Fees
D. As SGA funding is intended to be supplemental, SGA funding may not equal more than 30% of an organization’s operating budget.
E. Organizations may not use their allocations to fund other organizations. However, cosponsoring events is perfectly allowable.
F. SGA funds cannot be used to reimburse advisor travel expenses.